Bug#898388: systemd-sysv: shutdown command always fails
Meeuwissen Olaf
Meeuwissen.Olaf at exc.epson.co.jp
Mon May 14 01:28:21 BST 2018
Michael Biebl writes:
> Am 14.05.2018 um 01:23 schrieb Meeuwissen Olaf:
>> Hi,
>> Michael Biebl writes:
>>> Am 11.05.2018 um 08:10 schrieb Meeuwissen Olaf:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Thanks for the quick follow-up.
>>>> Michael Biebl writes:
>>>>> Control: tags -1 + moreinfo
>>>>>> I have set up unattended-upgrades to reboot my machine at 04:00 when
>>>>>> necessary. Internally, unattended-upgrades runs
>>>>>> /sbin/shutdown -r 04:00
>>>>>> trying to achieve this. This fails as evidenced by these (dated) log
>>>>>> messages
>>>>>> Apr 25 06:55:18 easy apt.systemd.daily[38369]: Found /var/run/reboot-required, rebooting
>>>>>> Apr 25 06:55:18 easy apt.systemd.daily[38369]: Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory
>>>>> [ ... ]
>>>> FTR, after I install dbus, I get
>>>> $ sudo shutdown -r 04:00
>>>> Shutdown scheduled for Sat 2018-05-12 04:00:00 JST, use 'shutdown -c' to cancel.
>>> Scheduled shutdowns require systemd-logind, which in turn requires
>>> dbus.
>> In my initial bug report I included
>> root at debian:~$ shutdown -r 04:00
>> Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory
>> root at debian:~$ shutdown -r
>> Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory
>> root at debian:~$ shutdown
>> Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory
>> What is scheduled about the last two commands? The implicit "now"?
> Please read the manual for shutdown carefully:
> "If no time argument is specified, +1 is implied."
> So yes, all the examples you gave are scheduled shutdowns.
Sorry, my bad. I missed that. Instead my eyes got stuck on "now".
> If you use shutdown -h now (no scheduled shutdown), it should work
> without dbus.
> You said that shutdown is completely broken for you, are you implying
> that -h now does not work for you?
shutdown -h now works without dbus. So the shutdown command is not
completely broken, just seriously broken :-/
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