Bug#911408: dnsmasq breaks systemd autopkgtest

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Wed Nov 7 15:17:00 GMT 2018

Hi Simon,

I see that you reassigned this back to systemd, but I know too little
about DNS(SEC) to assess the situation. So your help on this issue would
be most welcome.

What I did is, to run the test against v2.79 and v2.80

This starts a dnsmasq process like this:
nobody   11531  0.0  0.3  25260  3316 pts/1    S+   23:10   0:00 dnsmasq
--keep-in-foreground --log-queries
--log-facility=/tmp/tmp3_id7zsx/dnsmasq-vpn.log --conf-file=/dev/null
--dhcp-leasefile=/dev/null --bind-interfaces --interface=testvpnrouter
--except-interface=lo --address=/math.lab/

With v2.79 I get the following in the log files:
# resolvectl query kettle.cantina.company

-- Information acquired via protocol DNS in 3.6ms.
-- Data is authenticated: no

# cat /tmp/tmp3_id7zsx/dnsmasq-vpn.log
Nov  6 23:10:39 dnsmasq[11531]: started, version 2.79 cachesize 150
Nov  6 23:10:39 dnsmasq[11531]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt
DBus i18n IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP conntrack ipset auth DNSSEC
loop-detect inotify
Nov  6 23:10:39 dnsmasq[11531]: reading /etc/resolv.conf
Nov  6 23:10:39 dnsmasq[11531]: using nameserver
Nov  6 23:10:39 dnsmasq[11531]: read /etc/hosts - 4 addresses
Nov  6 23:17:38 dnsmasq[11531]: query[A] kettle.cantina.company from
Nov  6 23:17:38 dnsmasq[11531]: config kettle.cantina.company is
Nov  6 23:17:38 dnsmasq[11531]: query[A] kettle.cantina.company from
Nov  6 23:17:38 dnsmasq[11531]: config kettle.cantina.company is

# journalctl -u systemd-resolved
Nov 06 23:17:38 debian systemd-resolved[11545]: Using degraded feature
set (UDP) for DNS server
Nov 06 23:17:38 debian systemd-resolved[11545]: Server does
not support DNSSEC, downgrading to non-DNSSEC mode.

With v2.80
nobody   13333  0.0  0.3  25280  3328 pts/1    S+   23:29   0:00 dnsmasq
--keep-in-foreground --log-queries
--log-facility=/tmp/tmpf3unvou5/dnsmasq-vpn.log --conf-file=/dev/null
--dhcp-leasefile=/dev/null --bind-interfaces --interface=testvpnrouter
--except-interface=lo --address=/math.lab/

# resolvectl query kettle.cantina.company
kettle.cantina.company: resolve call failed: DNSSEC validation failed:

# cat /tmp/tmpf3unvou5/dnsmasq-vpn.log
Nov  6 23:29:09 dnsmasq[13333]: started, version 2.80 cachesize 150
Nov  6 23:29:09 dnsmasq[13333]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt
DBus i18n IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP conntrack ipset auth DNSSEC
loop-detect inotify dumpfile
Nov  6 23:29:09 dnsmasq[13333]: reading /etc/resolv.conf
Nov  6 23:29:09 dnsmasq[13333]: using nameserver
Nov  6 23:29:09 dnsmasq[13333]: read /etc/hosts - 4 addresses
Nov  6 23:29:56 dnsmasq[13333]: query[A] kettle.cantina.company from
Nov  6 23:29:56 dnsmasq[13333]: config kettle.cantina.company is
Nov  6 23:29:56 dnsmasq[13333]: query[SOA] kettle.cantina.company from
Nov  6 23:29:56 dnsmasq[13333]: config kettle.cantina.company is NODATA
Nov  6 23:29:56 dnsmasq[13333]: query[DS] kettle.cantina.company from
Nov  6 23:29:56 dnsmasq[13333]: config kettle.cantina.company is NODATA
Nov  6 23:29:56 dnsmasq[13333]: query[SOA] cantina.company from
Nov  6 23:29:56 dnsmasq[13333]: config cantina.company is NODATA
Nov  6 23:29:56 dnsmasq[13333]: query[DS] cantina.company from
Nov  6 23:29:56 dnsmasq[13333]: config cantina.company is NODATA
Nov  6 23:29:56 dnsmasq[13333]: query[SOA] company from
Nov  6 23:29:56 dnsmasq[13333]: forwarded company to
Nov  6 23:29:56 dnsmasq[13333]: query[DNSKEY] company from
Nov  6 23:29:56 dnsmasq[13333]: forwarded company to
Nov  6 23:29:56 dnsmasq[13333]: query[DS] company from
Nov  6 23:29:56 dnsmasq[13333]: forwarded company to
Nov  6 23:29:56 dnsmasq[13333]: query[DNSKEY] . from
Nov  6 23:29:56 dnsmasq[13333]: forwarded . to

# journalctl -u systemd-resolved
Nov 06 23:29:56 debian systemd-resolved[13349]: DNSSEC validation failed
for question cantina.company IN DS: no-signature
Nov 06 23:29:56 debian systemd-resolved[13349]: DNSSEC validation failed
for question cantina.company IN SOA: no-signature
Nov 06 23:29:56 debian systemd-resolved[13349]: DNSSEC validation failed
for question kettle.cantina.company IN DS: no-signature
Nov 06 23:29:56 debian systemd-resolved[13349]: DNSSEC validation failed
for question kettle.cantina.company IN SOA: no-signature
Nov 06 23:29:56 debian systemd-resolved[13349]: DNSSEC validation failed
for question kettle.cantina.company IN A: no-signature

So for some reason, with v2.80, DNSSEC is attempted for this query.
Maybe you have an idea what's going on there.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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