Bug#842617: Please also ship systemd-boot on arm64

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Sun Nov 18 14:56:47 GMT 2018

Am 18.11.18 um 12:54 schrieb Martin Pitt:
> Hello Michael,
> Michael Biebl [2018-11-17 15:47 +0100]:
>>> I know that arm64 EFI boot works (Canonical uses it in their internal
>>> OpenStack deployment), but as far as I know there is no existing
>>> armhf EFI implementation; so this would mean to ship dead bits. Or are
>>> you aware of any platform where this could actually be tested?
>> Martin, do you still have concerns regarding enabling gnu-efi support
>> for armhf?
>> Personally I don't have any experience in that regard, all I can say is
>> that we apparently ship
>> https://packages.debian.org/sid/armhf/grub-efi-arm
>> (with a popcon count of 0 :-o )
> Not a strong veto, if that somehow makes the packaging simpler and more
> consistent across architctures. I still don't quite like shipping dead bits
> that can't actually run anywhere, but they are relatively harmless, too.

Just wanted to get your input on this matter.
On second thought, let's just wait until we have a user request for this
where the user is able to actually use and test the functionality.

Alexander, I've re-read your reply in

If in the feature you actually plan to use the armhf bits on say the
Raspberry Pi 2, I'm happy to recondider.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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