Bug#927458: apt-daily.timer Adding random time every 5 seconds

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Tue Apr 30 18:44:32 BST 2019


Am 30.04.19 um 18:22 schrieb Boylan, Ross:
> According to the internet, the time updates every 5 seconds are coming from HyperV, the host hypervisor under which the system in question is running.  Why HyperV acts that way I don't know (guessing: to avoid large time jumps); I agree it seems absurd.  I'm running on a VM under HyperV.
> As noted in my original report, these updates can reportedly be suppressed at the hypervisor level but a) it seems that might eventually cause clock drift and b) I have no direct access to the hypervisor (though I could ask someone who does).
> I also don't know if HyperV would react badly if the VM time were not in sync with the host (e.g., disable hyperv time updates + install chrony).  I would hope not, but the aggressive update schedule also suggests it might.

I'm not really convinced, systemd is to blame here.
That said, if you feel strongly about this, please consider filing a bug
report upstream at https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues
Maybe upstream is willing to add a workaround for this rather
questionable HyperV behaviour.


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universe are pointed away from Earth?

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