Bug#927458: apt-daily.timer Adding random time every 5 seconds

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Tue Apr 30 22:07:16 BST 2019

On 30.04.19 20:18, Boylan, Ross wrote:
> What is the result of having time randomization called repeatedly, with our current setup?
> If each randomization adds r seconds, r1 the first time, r2 the second, etc, and t is the original time, is the result after repeated (n) randomizations
> t+rn (the good case)
> t+r1+r2+...+rn (bad case)
> If r is always >=, as the message about adding time suggests, the bad case will probably mean the timer never goes off.
> If r can be negative, it means that the timer will go off at a wildly random time.

You can check when the timer will fire:
Use "systemctl status apt-daily.timer"

I don't think the randomized time is accumulated. Or is this not the
case for you? In that case, I would appreciate a log showing that behaviour.

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