Bug#918839: systemd: LXC Container with debian buster can no longer start services after updating to systemd_240

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Wed Jan 9 20:26:18 GMT 2019

Control: tags -1 + moreinfo

Am 09.01.19 um 19:26 schrieb Adrian Almenar:
> Package: systemd
> Version: 240-2
> Severity: important
> Dear Maintainer,
> *** Reporter, please consider answering these questions, where appropriate ***
>    * What led up to the situation?
>    * What exactly did you do (or not do) that was effective (or
>      ineffective)?
>    * What was the outcome of this action?
>    * What outcome did you expect instead?
> *** End of the template - remove these template lines ***

This bug report is empty.
Please provide more information about your host/container configuration,
error messages etc.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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