Bug#919509: Restart logind on package updates

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Wed Mar 20 14:50:18 GMT 2019

Control: retitle -1 restart logind on package updates
Control: block -1 by 798097

On Thu, 28 Feb 2019 15:09:14 -0600 "Karl O. Pinc" <kop at meme.com> wrote:
> If systemd restarts all of its processes which are affected
> by package upgrade then the only reason to require a restart would
> be if some changes in new systemd packages required a restart
> of non-systemd components.  So maybe this is a non-bug.

We restart (in buster) all systemd components besides logind:

logind nowadays supports being restarted

So the remaining bit is that Xorg no longer aborts on logind restarts

Once that is fixed in xserver-xorg, I would rather restart logind on
upgrades then requesting a reboot. So re-purposing the bug report
It's a bit sad that #798097 is still unfixed, but I'm not sure what I
can do to move this issue forward.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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