Bug#925160: systemd: user session slow to start (11 seconds)

Michael Prokop mika at debian.org
Wed Mar 20 16:47:25 GMT 2019

* Laurent Bonnaud [Wed Mar 20, 2019 at 05:36:44PM +0100]:

> on this system, an initial ssh connection needs 11 seconds to complete (as root or any other user).  Further connections are fast.
> This is not a slow boot problem because it occurs even when the machine has been booted for days.

> It comes from a slow start of the user's session as can be seen in this log:


Just a quick shot, are you sure your reverse DNS is OK?
If you set `UseDNS no` in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, is the SSH login faster?

What do you mean with "Further connections are fast", ssh-ing into
the system as the same user (do you use ssh with ControlMaster?)?
Is connecting via `ssh -o ControlPath=none ...` also slow?

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