Bug#944586: udev: after upgrading to version 243-5, udev blocks the removal of lvm2 snapshots

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Tue Nov 12 18:04:26 GMT 2019

On Tue, 12 Nov 2019 18:55:46 +0100, Michael Biebl wrote:

> > I have now run autopkgtest(-pkg-perl) on 5 packages, that means 15
> > creations and removals of LVM snapshots, and I haven't encountered
> > any issues. So yes, this patch looks good.
> Thanks for testing, gregor and confirming the fix.

You're welcome.
> Is this issue causing real problems or mostly a cosmetic/minor problem?
> I'm asking because I haven't decided yet whether this issue should be RC
> and prevent testing migration and/or needs a quick follow-up upload to
> unstable.

For me it was "real" enough that I downgraded to the version in
testing yesterday (before seeing Antonio's bug report today which
saved me the debugging time I had planned to do) because the hanging
lvremove broke autopkgtests which would have kept me from uploading
packages. I guess there are other use cases (like Antonio's backup)
where not being able to remove an LVM snapshot is also more than
cosmetic. - Just my quick thoughts and no direct answer to your
RC-ness question :)


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