Bug#941603: udev: bond interface does not inherit mac address of a slave

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Thu Oct 3 12:06:26 BST 2019

Am 03.10.19 um 12:43 schrieb Alexandra N. Kossovsky:
> My point is, it is a major change in behaviour, and users should be
> notified via NEWS.Debian.  The notification should include the
> instructions how to get the old behaviour.

Ok, it was not clear to me, whether you considered this new behaviour a
bug (and it caused problems for your) or you just wanted a documentation

That said, this is already documented in


>         * In .link files, MACAddressPolicy=persistent (the default) is changed
>           to cover more devices. For devices like bridges, tun, tap, bond, and
>           similar interfaces that do not have other identifying information,
>           the interface name is used as the basis for persistent seed for MAC
>           and IPv4LL addresses. The way that devices that were handled
>           previously is not changed, and this change is about covering more
>           devices then previously by the "persistent" policy.
>           MACAddressPolicy=random may be used to force randomized MACs and
>           IPv4LL addresses for a device if desired.
>           Hint: the log output from udev (at debug level) was enhanced to
>           clarify what policy is followed and which attributes are used.
>           `SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug udevadm test-builtin net_setup_link /sys/class/net/<name>`
>           may be used to view this.
>           Hint: if a bridge interface is created without any slaves, and gains
>           a slave later, then now the bridge does not inherit slave's MAC.
>           To inherit slave's MAC, for example, create the following file:
>           ```
>           # /etc/systemd/network/98-bridge-inherit-mac.link
>           [Match]
>           Type=bridge
>           [Link]
>           MACAddressPolicy=none
>           ```

I'm not yet convinced that duplicating that in NEWS.Debian is a good
idea. NEWS.Debian is shown to basically every user and I suspect this is
a rarely used feature, that only affects a small subset of users.
If we start adding too many entries to NEWS.Debian, people will just
start to ignore them.

That said, I'll leave this bug report open to have further feedback from
other users/maintainers.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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