Bug#950684: systemd: upgrade fails in a chroot where /var/log/ owner is not root:root

Félix Sipma felix+debian at gueux.org
Wed Feb 5 11:49:31 GMT 2020

On 2020-02-05 04:44+0100, Michael Biebl wrote:
>Am 04.02.20 um 18:35 schrieb Félix Sipma:
>> Package: systemd
>> Version: 244.1-3
>> Severity: important
>> Following #950533, I also had a problem upgrading systemd in a chroot, where
>> files in /, /var, /var/log are all owned by sbuild:sbuild. The upgrading script
>Why would you make all files owned by sbuild:sbuild?

I'm in the same situation as Andrey, the chroot was created long time ago, 
probably by a helper script (schroot-setup?). I've no idea why these files are 
owned by sbuild:sbuild. The entire chroot seems to be owned by sbuild:sbuild.

>> tried to create a dir /var/log/journal/, owned by root:root, and then failed
>> without a lot of clues...
>Can you run
>SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug systemd-tmpfiles --create --prefix /var/log/journal
>echo $?
>please and attach the output

As I said, I already chowned /var/log/journal to sbuild:sbuild, and then I was 
able to upgrade. So, it will probably not help a lot, sorry... The logs are in 
the attached debug.log.

/var/log/journal is root:systemd-journal now.

-------------- next part --------------
Looking for configuration files in (higher priority first):
Reading config file "/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/debian.conf"…
Entry "/run/shm" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/run/sendsigs.omit.d" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/etc/mtab" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Reading config file "/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/home.conf"…
Entry "/home" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/srv" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Reading config file "/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/journal-nocow.conf"…
Entry "/var/log/journal" matches include prefix "/var/log/journal".
Entry "/var/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e" matches include prefix "/var/log/journal".
Entry "/var/log/journal/remote" matches include prefix "/var/log/journal".
Reading config file "/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/legacy.conf"…
Entry "/var/lock" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/run/lock/subsys" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Ignoring entry r! "/forcefsck" because --boot is not specified.
Ignoring entry r! "/fastboot" because --boot is not specified.
Ignoring entry r! "/forcequotacheck" because --boot is not specified.
Reading config file "/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/man-db.conf"…
Entry "/var/cache/man" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Reading config file "/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/passwd.conf"…
Ignoring entry r! "/etc/gshadow.lock" because --boot is not specified.
Ignoring entry r! "/etc/shadow.lock" because --boot is not specified.
Ignoring entry r! "/etc/passwd.lock" because --boot is not specified.
Ignoring entry r! "/etc/group.lock" because --boot is not specified.
Ignoring entry r! "/etc/subuid.lock" because --boot is not specified.
Ignoring entry r! "/etc/subgid.lock" because --boot is not specified.
Reading config file "/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/static-nodes-permissions.conf"…
Entry "/dev/snd/seq" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/dev/snd/timer" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/dev/loop-control" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/dev/net/tun" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/dev/fuse" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/dev/kvm" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Reading config file "/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/systemd-nologin.conf"…
Ignoring entry F! "/run/nologin" because --boot is not specified.
Reading config file "/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/systemd-tmp.conf"…
Entry "/tmp/systemd-private-800b8b4f262840559dc88c46d9cd5f6e-*" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/tmp/systemd-private-800b8b4f262840559dc88c46d9cd5f6e-*/tmp" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/var/tmp/systemd-private-800b8b4f262840559dc88c46d9cd5f6e-*" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/var/tmp/systemd-private-800b8b4f262840559dc88c46d9cd5f6e-*/tmp" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Ignoring entry R! "/tmp/systemd-private-*" because --boot is not specified.
Ignoring entry R! "/var/tmp/systemd-private-*" because --boot is not specified.
Entry "/var/lib/systemd/coredump/.#core*.800b8b4f262840559dc88c46d9cd5f6e*" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Ignoring entry r! "/var/lib/systemd/coredump/.#*" because --boot is not specified.
Reading config file "/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/systemd.conf"…
Entry "/run/user" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Ignoring entry F! "/run/utmp" because --boot is not specified.
Entry "/run/systemd/ask-password" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/run/systemd/seats" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/run/systemd/sessions" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/run/systemd/users" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/run/systemd/machines" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/run/systemd/shutdown" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/run/systemd/netif" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/run/systemd/netif/links" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/run/systemd/netif/leases" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/run/log" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/run/log/journal" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/run/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/run/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/run/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/run/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e/*.journal*" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/var/log/journal" matches include prefix "/var/log/journal".
Entry "/var/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e" matches include prefix "/var/log/journal".
Entry "/var/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e/system.journal" matches include prefix "/var/log/journal".
Entry "/var/log/journal" matches include prefix "/var/log/journal".
Entry "/var/log/journal" matches include prefix "/var/log/journal".
Entry "/var/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e" matches include prefix "/var/log/journal".
Entry "/var/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e" matches include prefix "/var/log/journal".
Entry "/var/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e/system.journal" matches include prefix "/var/log/journal".
Entry "/var/lib/systemd" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/var/lib/systemd/coredump" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/var/lib/private" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/var/log/private" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/var/cache/private" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Reading config file "/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/tmp.conf"…
Entry "/tmp" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Reading config file "/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/var.conf"…
Entry "/var" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/var/run" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/var/log" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/var/log/wtmp" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/var/log/btmp" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/var/log/lastlog" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/var/cache" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/var/lib" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Entry "/var/spool" does not match any include prefix, skipping.
Reading config file "/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/x11.conf"…
Ignoring entry D! "/tmp/.X11-unix" because --boot is not specified.
Ignoring entry D! "/tmp/.ICE-unix" because --boot is not specified.
Ignoring entry D! "/tmp/.XIM-unix" because --boot is not specified.
Ignoring entry D! "/tmp/.font-unix" because --boot is not specified.
Ignoring entry D! "/tmp/.Test-unix" because --boot is not specified.
Ignoring entry r! "/tmp/.X[0-9]*-lock" because --boot is not specified.
Running create action for entry a /var/log/journal
Detected unsafe path transition /var/log → /var/log/journal during canonicalization of /var/log/journal.
Running create action for entry a /var/log/journal
Detected unsafe path transition /var/log → /var/log/journal during canonicalization of /var/log/journal.
Running create action for entry h /var/log/journal
Detected unsafe path transition /var/log → /var/log/journal during canonicalization of /var/log/journal.
Running create action for entry z /var/log/journal
Detected unsafe path transition /var/log → /var/log/journal during canonicalization of /var/log/journal.
Failed to determine whether '/var/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e' is below autofs, ignoring: No such file or directory
Running create action for entry a /var/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e
Failed to determine whether '/var/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e' is below autofs, ignoring: No such file or directory
Running create action for entry a /var/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e
Failed to determine whether '/var/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e' is below autofs, ignoring: No such file or directory
Running create action for entry h /var/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e
Failed to determine whether '/var/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e' is below autofs, ignoring: No such file or directory
Running create action for entry z /var/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e
Failed to determine whether '/var/log/journal/remote' is below autofs, ignoring: No such file or directory
Running create action for entry h /var/log/journal/remote
Failed to determine whether '/var/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e/system.journal' is below autofs, ignoring: No such file or directory
Running create action for entry a /var/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e/system.journal
Failed to determine whether '/var/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e/system.journal' is below autofs, ignoring: No such file or directory
Running create action for entry z /var/log/journal/7bc12c9b55254b6fa296a3f4ee2aad9e/system.journal
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