Bug#973287: systemd autopkgtest-virt-lxc failure on arm64
Michael Biebl
biebl at debian.org
Wed Nov 11 19:47:42 GMT 2020
Control: tags -1 + moreinfo upstream
Am Mittwoch, den 28.10.2020, 17:56 +0900 schrieb Ryutaroh Matsumoto:
> Source: systemd
> Version: 246.6-2
> Severity: normal
> X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-arm at lists.debian.org
> Dear Maintainer,
> autopkgtest-virt-lxc abnormally exits on arm64 as follows.
> It does not even print "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ summary" as usual.
> (I used Raspberry Pi 4B running latest Debian testing,
> and the kernel the genuine Debian package.)
> The following error can be consistently reproduced.
> autopkgtest [14:33:32]: test boot-and-services: [------------------
> -----
> lxc
> Removed /etc/systemd/system/default.target.
> Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/default.target →
> /lib/systemd/system/graphical.target.
> bash: line 1: 5113 Killed /tmp/autopkgtest-
> lxc.28n1_agf/downtmp/build.vKC/src/debian/tests/boot-and-services 2>
> >(tee -a /tmp/autopkgtest-lxc.28n1_agf\
> /downtmp/boot-and-services-stderr >&2) > >(tee -a /tmp/autopkgtest-
> lxc.28n1_agf/downtmp/boot-and-services-stdout)
> autopkgtest [14:33:34]: test process requested reboot with marker
> boot1
> <VirtSubproc>: failure: timed out waiting for container autopkgtest-
> lxc-udvsoo to start; last runlevel "unknown
> "
> autopkgtest [14:35:58]: ERROR: testbed failure: cannot send to
> testbed: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
> I also run autopkgtest-virt-lxc on all the packages with
> Priority standard, and 95% of them were OK, so
> autopkgtest-virt-lxc seems somewhat reliable on arm64, though arm64
> qemu
> testbed cannot be built as
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=973038
> (I cannot exclude the possibility of bug in autopkgtest.)
> I note that autopkgtest-virt-lxc fails in glibc and glib2.0 on arm64
> as
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=973271
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=973038
> Complete log of autopkgtest is attached as zip file.
Unfortunately I lack the necessary hardware to reproduce this issue.
Can you please forward this to upstream yourself at
It's likely that upstream has further questions which are best answered
by you.
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