Bug#975400: [247~rc2-2] 2 minutes delay at "systemctl poweroff"
Michael Biebl
biebl at debian.org
Fri Nov 27 21:26:50 GMT 2020
Control: reassign -1 gnome-session-common
Am 22.11.20 um 18:35 schrieb Roderich Schupp:
> On Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 7:13 PM Michael Biebl <biebl at debian.org
> <mailto:biebl at debian.org>> wrote:
> Control: tags -1 + moreinfo
> I suppose this is your problem.
> You have processes (ssh-agent and dbus-daemon) in your user session,
> which apparently do not stop in a timely manner, thus causing the delay,
> afaics.
> Is this problem reproducible with a new user account?
> Yes.
> I fixed my attention on the line
> Nov 17 01:03:38 nuc8 systemd[1141]: Requested transaction contradicts existing jobs: Transaction for exit.target/start is destructive (gnome-session-restart-dbus.service has 'start' job queued, but 'stop' is included in transaction).
I'm curious why I can't reproduce the issue. I wonder whether this is a
timing issue.
> in the journal which started reproducibly to appear after upgrading
> systemd to 247~rc2-2.
> Looks like /usr/lib/systemd/user/gnome-session-shutdown.target (from
> package gnome-session-common) is responsible for starting
> gnome-session-restart-dbus.service:
> [Unit]
> Description=Shutdown running GNOME Session
> # Allow exit.target to start even if this unit is started with
> replace-irreversibly
> # The same is needed for all (weak) dependencies
> DefaultDependencies=no
> Conflicts=graphical-session.target graphical-session-pre.target
> After=graphical-session.target graphical-session-pre.target
> # Add explicit conflicts/after lines for gnome-session targets, technically
> # this should not be needed, but is an extra safety measure.
> Conflicts=gnome-session.target gnome-session-manager.target
> After=gnome-session.target gnome-session-manager.target
> Conflicts=gnome-session-pre.target gnome-session-initialized.target
> gnome-session-failed.target
> After=gnome-session-pre.target gnome-session-initialized.target
> gnome-session-failed.target
> # We need to make sure this unit is stopped; primarily so that the tree of
> # units that we created is completely cleaned.
> # Note that this can also be improved by reversing the conflicts above and
> # not listing them in the shutdown unit.
> StopWhenUnneeded=true
> # We trigger a restart of DBus after reaching the shutdown target this
> # is a workaround so that DBus services that do not connect to the
> # display server are shut down after log-out.
> # This should be removed when the relevant services add a
> # PartOf=graphical-session.target
> # Historic bug: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=764029
> <https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=764029>
> *Wants=gnome-session-restart-dbus.service
> Before=gnome-session-restart-dbus.service*
> I can't pretend that I know what I'm doing, but after commenting out the
> last two lines the two minute delay on power-off is gone :)
> Feel free to reassign this bug to gnome-session.
Doing so.
If the gnome-session maintainers think this is a bug in systemd, please
reassign back
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