Bug#989317: systemd kill background processes after user logs out (#825394 regression)

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Tue Jun 1 16:20:42 BST 2021

Am 01.06.2021 um 17:18 schrieb Michael Biebl:
> Am 01.06.2021 um 16:24 schrieb Matt Corallo:
>> No, the shell is spawned from sshd (and almost nothing else running on 
>> the host).
>> On 6/1/21 04:22, Michael Biebl wrote:
>>> Control: tags -1 + moreinfo
>>> Am 01.06.2021 um 02:37 schrieb Matt Corallo:
>>>> After upgrading to bullseye on a test machine, spawning an lxc 
>>>> container with systemd-run[1] still kills the lxc container after 
>>>> the spawning shell is closed (and the user logs out). No only does 
>>>> the lxc container eventually get killed, but systemd refuses any 
>>>> further login for the user while it waits for the lxc container to 
>>>> die (something like maybe 30 seconds for a simple lxc container 
>>>> running an sshd service), making it appear the system has hung.
>>>> This doesn't appear to be resolved by the options suggested in the 
>>>> man page for systemd-run like `loginctl enable-linger` or 
>>>> `KillUserProcesses=no` (which appears to still be the default).
>>>> Matt
>>>> [1] eg systemd-run --user -p "Delegate=yes" --unit=fuzzer -- 
>>>> lxc-start --name fuzzer -- /usr/sbin/sshd -D
> So, you log in via ssh, then start a (second) sshd process (inside a lxc 
> container) via the above command?

Would be great to have a set a commands which allows us reproduce the 

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