Bug#989317: systemd kill background processes after user logs out (#825394 regression)

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Tue Jun 8 19:23:19 BST 2021

Am 08.06.2021 um 20:12 schrieb Matt Corallo:
> On 6/8/21 14:02, Michael Biebl wrote:
>>> Is there an alternate way to run things that lxc should instead be 
>>> recommending? In my interactions with the lxc folks it seems this 
>>> workaround is only relevant for Debian bullseye, so maybe other 
>>> distros are patching systemd or changing cgroup settings such that 
>>> interacting with systemd isn't required.
>> Are you sure? Which distros are that? Which exact version of that distro?
> No, I'm not sure, but that was the response any time I mentioned 
> systemd-run was immediately "I assume Debian bullseye or something". Its 
> possible it also impacts fedora and the Ubuntu folks just have some 
> crazy workaround that doesn't really make sense.

lxc fiddles with cgroups. In cgroupv2 [1] mode, there can only be a 
single manager of the cgroup hierarchy. In a systemd based system, this 
is PID 1, i.e. systemd.

Which is why lxc needs to delegate this to systemd in bullseye.
I thought Ubuntu was following Debian here, but apparently they deviate 
here [2].

Sooner or later they'll switch to cgroupv2 as well, as cgroupv1 is 
basically dead.


[1] https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/cgroup-v2.html

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