Bug#1007711: reportbug: systemd --user: logoff and logon does not load new group memberships

Ingo Wichmann iw-debian at linuxhotel.de
Tue Mar 15 14:48:46 GMT 2022

Hi Michael,

I now dist-upgraded to bookworm/testing. I can't reproduce the issue 
there. On bookworm/testing, the old session is not reused.

So for bullseye/stable, possible workarounds are:
* reboot
* wait for the timeout to finish the session completely
* pkill -u $user (e.g. from a text-vt)

Am 15.03.22 um 13:50 schrieb Michael Biebl:
> Am 15.03.22 um 13:36 schrieb Ingo Wichmann:

> Which terminal emulator do you use? E.g gnome-terminal is implemented as 
> a user service and might be affected.

Yes, gnome-terminal.

But looking at the Ubuntu machine where I first encountered the issue, 
the session stays alive for a few seconds even when I don't start 

> After logging out, how long did you wait before logging in again?
> I vaguely remember that there is a timeout before an idle user session 
> is terminated.

I didn't wait long.
And yes, the user session was still active. That's why I filed the bug 
against the systemd package.

> Or do you have lingering enabled, so user sessions are deliberately not 
> terminated?


Feel free to ask, if you want me to provide more detail.


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