Bug#1018872: systemd.service COMMAND LINE misses command search, if starting with "+".

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Thu Sep 1 11:27:40 BST 2022

Am 01.09.22 um 12:08 schrieb Harald Bergmann:
> Hello Michael,
> thanks for your teaching!
> Please open a bug report for updating „man systemd.service“ accordingly regarding section „COMMAND LINES“ starting from line 963.
> Many thanks for your support!

I stand corrected. That said, I still can't reproduce the bug report:

# cat test.service

ExecStartPre=echo foo ; echo bar
ExecStartPre=+mkdir -p /run/foo ; +chown michael /run/foo

# systemctl status test.service
● test.service - test
      Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/test.service; static)
      Active: inactive (dead)

Sep 01 10:56:05 raspberrypi-ka systemd[1]: Starting Test...
Sep 01 10:56:05 raspberrypi-ka echo[2432]: Hello World
Sep 01 10:56:05 raspberrypi-ka systemd[1]: test.service: Succeeded.
Sep 01 10:56:05 raspberrypi-ka systemd[1]: Finished Test.
Sep 01 12:25:12 raspberrypi-ka systemd[1]: Starting test...
Sep 01 12:25:12 raspberrypi-ka echo[3675]: foo
Sep 01 12:25:12 raspberrypi-ka echo[3676]: bar
Sep 01 12:25:13 raspberrypi-ka systemd[1]: test.service: Succeeded.
Sep 01 12:25:13 raspberrypi-ka systemd[1]: Finished test.

# ls -ld /run/foo/
drwxr-xr-x 2 michael root 40  1. Sep 10:56 /run/foo/

Maybe it would help if you posted a complete service file and complete 
error messages.
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