Bug#1028115: init: Document requirements for being an alternative pre-dependency of init

Marco d'Itri md at Linux.IT
Sat Jan 7 17:03:42 GMT 2023

On Jan 07, Lorenzo Puliti <plorenzo at disroot.org> wrote:

> For now I'm following the list of suggestions provided by Simon McVittie [1]
> in #923450 msg#15; please document your requirements.
I suggest that proponents of alternative init systems should be able to 
show that it is something of at least minimal interest for the Debian 
community and not just somebody's pet project.
A possible criteria could be something like being adopted by 1% (5%?) of 
popcon users.

As Simon already explained, it is totally possible for an init system to 
be usable without being a dependency of init, and indeed systemd did 
exactly that in the first years.

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