Bug#945269: debian-policy: packages should use tmpfiles.d(5) to create directories below /var
Luca Boccassi
bluca at debian.org
Mon Jun 5 01:36:25 BST 2023
On Sun, 4 Jun 2023 at 14:56, Simon McVittie <smcv at debian.org> wrote:
> (Newly cc'd elogind maintainers: Please see #945269 for context)
> On Sun, 04 Jun 2023 at 12:15:41 +0100, Luca Boccassi wrote:
> > On Sun, 4 Jun 2023 at 12:02, Sean Whitton <spwhitton at spwhitton.name> wrote:
> > > On Tue 09 May 2023 at 01:44AM +01, Luca Boccassi wrote:
> > > > For now I've kept only a mention of the 'systemd-tmpfiles' virtual
> > > > package. As maintainers we would really prefer if the 'main'
> > > > implementation is pulled in whenever possible. When a minimal
> > > > installation is desired (ie, a minbase), it is possible to manually
> > > > specify the -standalone variant.
> > > >
> > > > This was a controversial point last year, see:
> > > >
> > > > https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1017441
> > >
> > > Hmm. I don't have personal experience with this sort of thing, but
> > > based on some of the examples in that bug, it seems like doing this
> > > could cause apt to change people's systems around in ways they strongly
> > > disprefer. What you propose seems like it could cause unpleasant
> > > surprises.
> >
> > Only due to bugs in said other packages, or if the wrong commands are
> > passed to apt/aptitude/etc.
> I think one way or another, if anyone is going to set a package-level
> dependency on systemd-tmpfiles, the first (preferred) dependency needs to
> be on either a concrete provider (systemd or systemd-tmpfiles-standalone
> in this case), or a default-systemd-tmpfiles virtual package
> that only has one provider per architecture (which is the way
> {default-,}dbus-{system,session}-bus are handled). Otherwise, you
> can get a non-deterministic choice of default implementation, which
> seems strictly worse than either depending on systemd or depending on
> systemd-tmpfiles-standalone - if you're unlucky, it can have all the
> disadvantages of either one of those.
> So I think the only realistic options for packages that hard-require
> this functionality (not all do) are:
> 1. Depends: systemd | systemd-tmpfiles
> 2. Depends: systemd-tmpfiles-standalone | systemd-tmpfiles
> 3. Depends: default-systemd-tmpfiles | systemd-tmpfiles
> (where the third one is equivalent to one of the first two, depending on
> how default-systemd-tmpfiles was implemented), possibly with some more
> less-preferred options between the first "|" and the virtual-package
> fallback.
> I also think that Policy shouldn't be recommending this interface without
> also being able to give guidance on what an appropriate dependency would
> look like, because if some packages choose (1.) and some choose (2.),
> again we'll get a non-deterministic result, depending on which packages
> you happen to install first and what their maintainers think; and I don't
> want individual services' maintainers to be required to constantly argue
> whether (1.) or (2.) is better.
> In #1017441 the debhelper maintainers declined to generate such a
> dependency, but even if they had wanted to generate it centrally, we'd
> have the same distro-integration considerations about saying what the
> right dependency would look like.
> Before describing pros and cons of those options in different scenarios,
> I want to reiterate that installing the systemd package (which contains
> the default/recommended implementation of the systemd-tmpfiles interface)
> does not imply using systemd as an init system, and everywhere in this
> message that I have said "systemd", I specifically mean the systemd
> package and not systemd-as-pid-1.
> >From the point of view of init systems, I think the interesting scenarios
> are:
> A. systemd package installed (typically via systemd-sysv)
> B. non-systemd init system (typically sysvinit) and no systemd package
> C. no init system at all (typically in Docker or a chroot)
> For (A.), there is no ambiguity: systemd is installed and provides the
> tmpfiles interface, and everything is fine. Any dependency sequence ((1.),
> (2.) or (3.) above) should give us the result we want. The only problem
> scenario I can think of for (A.) with (2.) is:
> - a package (let's say foo-service) has chosen (2.) and so depends on
> systemd-tmpfiles-standalone | systemd-tmpfiles
> - we install a base system with neither foo-service nor systemd
> - this must be a minbase debootstrap or similar, because a default
> debootstrap already includes systemd-sysv
> - we install foo-service first, without systemd
> - systemd-tmpfiles-standalone is pulled in
> - afterwards, we install systemd (via the init metapackage and
> systemd-sysv, or directly)
> - desired result: systemd-tmpfiles-standalone is removed and replaced by
> systemd
> - actual result: apt's heuristic might have difficulty realising that
> it needs to do that
> I would have expected that anyone wanting an environment with an init
> system is more likely to include it in the bootstrap or in the first
> batch of post-bootstrap additions than to install it later, but maybe
> that's wrong? Or are there other problem scenarios here?
> I'll come back to (B.), non-default init, in a moment.
> No init system at all, (C.), can only happen when starting with a
> minbase debootstrap or equivalent (because a default debootstrap
> includes the init metapackage due to its Priority: required). In
> this scenario it *usually* doesn't really matter whether we
> install systemd or systemd-tmpfiles-standalone. systemd is somewhat
> larger, so container/chroot maintainers might prefer to install
> systemd-tmpfiles-standalone for size optimization, but either one should
> give us correct results. What I'm hearing from Luca and other systemd
> maintainers is that the systemd team would prefer this scenario to
> get the (much more widely-tested) full-sized systemd package, unless
> the container/chroot maintainer has explicitly taken steps to get a
> non-default implementation for reduced on-disk size. Is that correct?
> As far as I can see, either (1.) or (2.) would achieve that in practice,
> again because a default debootstrap includes systemd, and I think asking
> for minbase should be counted as an example of explicitly taking steps
> to get a reduced on-disk size.
> One possible problem scenario for (C.) with (2.) is that if we start from
> minbase but then some other dependency pulls in the full systemd package
> anyway (perhaps as a way to get systemd.pc into a buildd chroot, or as
> a dependency of systemd-container) then we will have the same problem
> that I outlined for (A.): apt's heuristic needs to be able to realise
> that removing systemd-tmpfiles-standalone to be replaced by systemd
> is a valid solution, and because problem resolution is a heuristic,
> there's a chance that that won't happen.
> Now the elephant in the room, (B.): non-default (non-systemd) init. The
> main problem with (1.), having systemd as the first (preferred)
> dependency, is that it is mutually exclusive with elogind (because the
> systemd maintainers are not willing to support systemd tools being
> co-installed with a non-systemd reimplementation of logind, which
> is an entirely reasonable choice IMO), but users of non-systemd init
> systems rely on elogind as a dependency of desktop environments and
> other higher-level functionality. This gives us #1014805, #1016006,
> #1017441 and similar issues: if a user of non-systemd init has not
> yet installed any implementation of the tmpfiles interface, when they
> upgrade a package to a version that depends on systemd-tmpfiles, it is
> entirely possible that apt's heuristic will propose installing systemd and
> therefore removing elogind and the desktop environment, instead of the
> result the user would presumably have preferred, which is installation
> of systemd-tmpfiles-standalone. Obviously that's not what we want to
> happen. The situation is rare and only arises with a non-default init,
> but the failure mode is very bad.
> It is technically correct to say (as was said on #1014805, etc.) that
> installing the systemd package does not preclude experiments with
> non-default init systems, but in practice that reasoning only holds for
> relatively small software stacks: if you want a desktop environment, in
> practice you'll likely need a logind implementation, which means either
> the full systemd stack with systemd-logind (which requires systemd
> as pid 1), or elogind (which is mutually exclusive with systemd). I
> am personally happy with systemd as pid 1 and so I see no reason to
> install elogind myself, but it is available as a non-default option,
> and we should be honest about the impact of related decisions on the
> ability to make use of that option.
> A couple of mitigations for the problem case I described above were
> suggested on #1014805 and #1016006:
> - On #1014805, Michael Biebl suggested having sysvinit-core pull in
> systemd-tmpfiles-standalone via Depends (or maybe Recommends).
> Adam Borowski objected to this for two reasons:
> - sysvinit-core does not actually require any tmpfiles implementation,
> and it is only the individual services that might require one, so a
> dependency there (for A.) doesn't have much theoretical justification;
> - he felt that adding ~ 450K to minimal chroots (for C.) is too much.
As tmpfiles.d becomes the official format for declarative setups,
which is very much desired in order to be able to remove vast
quantities of maintainer scripts, sysvinit or adjacent packages will
eventually need it. It doesn't have to be sysvinit-core, it can be
elogind as you say later or anything else in that dependency chain.
> - On #1016006, Mark Hindley suggested making systemd-standalone-tmpfiles
> the first (preferred) alternative in the or-group, which is what I
> called (2.) above. I haven't seen a rebuttal for that; did the systemd
> maintainers reject this because it would have the side-effect of always
> installing systemd-standalone-tmpfiles in the init-less scenario (C.),
> or were there other reasons?
Yes, we very much want the preferred package to be used in almost all
scenarios, as it makes maintenance easier and more straightforward.
Our time is worth more than 80K or whatever it is of disk space in a
throw-away container.
> Another possible mitigation which I haven't previously seen proposed
> is giving *elogind* a Depends or Recommends on systemd-*-standalone.
> I think that would work to mitigate the failure mode with (1.) and (B.),
> and the installed-size argument seems less interesting here because the
> sort of systems that require elogind are already much larger anyway.
> Would the elogind maintainers be willing to consider this? Does anyone
> see a reason why it wouldn't work?
That seems like it should work just fine as mentioned above.
> Taking a step back from the specifics of -tmpfiles for a moment:
> As a maintainer of system services, I would not be at all happy with
> expecting the maintainer of every system service that requires tmpfiles
> to have this conversation again and again. Obviously as a technical
> committee member and occasional Policy contributor, I've chosen to take
> on some of the burden of decisions like this one; but when I'm working
> on dbus or polkitd or even openarena-server, I should be able to follow
> a project decision, and be reasonably confident that I won't get angry
> RC bug reports about it (and if I do, I should be able to refer the bug
> reporter to a project decision instead of having to re-litigate it).
> Putting this sort of thing on individual package maintainers seems like
> a recipe for making it no longer fun to maintain a package.
> I would like to be able to rely on sysusers.d for declarative creation
> of system users in future, and that will make correct dependency handling
> more important than it is now for tmpfiles.d, because unlike tmpfiles.d,
> packages that own a system user often *do* have a hard dependency
> on that system user being created in the postinst (and as a result,
> dh_installsysusers in compat level >= 14 generates a dependency, unlike
> dh_installtmpfiles).
> At the moment, mostly as an experiment, polkitd depends on
> adduser | systemd-sysusers (and it can't rely on dh_installsysusers
> anyway, as far as I can see, as a result of some tricky sequencing
> considerations in the postinst), but that's a workaround and I would
> prefer to be using sysusers unconditionally.
> If we can't get a consensus here, one option would be to refer the
> question to the technical committee.
> > > > We could even decide that no dependency is added at all by dh
> For the record, that is the decision that the debhelper maintainers made
> for tmpfiles.d in #1017441, on the basis that processing tmpfiles.d is
> often a nice-to-have rather than a mandatory dependency: for example,
> dbus has a tmpfiles.d snippet but will work correctly without it, with
> only slightly reduced functionality.
> However, debhelper does add a dependency for sysusers.d snippets, which
> are out-of-scope for this particular Policy bug, but are "the same shape"
> as tmpfiles.d in terms of how they're handled by systemd and how they
> will need to be handled by non-default init systems.
> > at some point it's either one or the other: set up the
> > dependencies so that the default case (which in debian is systemd)
> > works out of the box and the right thing happens magically, and people
> > who want to use non-default init systems (which are supported for the
> > purpose of "experimenting and exploring alternatives") will need to
> > fix their packages and provide the right instructions to apt, or no
> > dependency is set at all and bootstrapping/image building/etc tools
> > need to adapt and manually pull the right tools at the right time
> Luca, I see you're effectively ruling out what I described in
> (2.) above. Is that because of the problem scenario I outlined above with
> late installation of systemd potentially having difficulty with replacing
> systemd-tmpfiles-standalone, or are there other problem scenarios that
> you have in mind?
Yes, that's one of the issues, but more broadly as mentioned we want
the same setup to be used everywhere for ease of maintenance purposes.
If it is useful, adding a "default-tmpfiles" or so virtual package
would be fine by me - but with the kfreebsd port being retired soon,
and i386 (for hurd) going the way of the dodo, I'm not sure it would
be very useful? I don't think it would be a problem to add it, if it
turns out to be of use though.
Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi
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