Bug#1050256: autopkgtest fails on debci

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Mon Sep 4 01:30:22 BST 2023

Am 03.09.23 um 10:50 schrieb Paul Gevers:
> Hi,
> On 03-09-2023 02:56, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> Do the debci maintainers  / lxc maintainers / release team have any 
>> preference regarding a/, b/ and c/ ?
> One part of me likes the ci.d.n infrastructure to run stable as an 
> example of "eat your own dogfood". Another part of me agrees with 
> Antonio that it makes sense if it would run a backports kernel to be as 
> close as possible to testing as we can reasonably (maintenance wise) can 
> get. Because we have a known issue at hand, the balance goes to 
> backports for me. If Antonio doesn't beat me to it, I'll get to it 
> (although I don't know yet how to do that in our configuration [1] and 
> exclude riscv64 too). I have manually upgraded the s390x host and 
> rebooted, so that can serve as a test arch.

Seems it worked, the latest run succeeded:


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