Bug#1072380: cloud.debian.org: Azure deployment misconfigures /etc/hosts resulting in slow sudo

Luca Boccassi bluca at debian.org
Thu Jun 6 22:59:07 BST 2024

On Thu, 6 Jun 2024 at 22:30, Noah Meyerhans <noahm at debian.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 05, 2024 at 10:09:25PM +0100, Luca Boccassi wrote:
> > > Is there any specific additional testing that the systemd maintainers
> > > would like to see?
> > >
> > > noah
> >
> > The checks themselves look good to me, but would be good doing the
> > same validation on a real machine running stable, not just a VM. Bonus
> > points for a container too - running a full image like nspawn or lxc.
> Updated testing checklist:
> [*] Fresh install of libnss-myhostname (nsswitch.conf lists the modules
>     in the expected order)
> [*] Upgrade of libnss-myhostname (this does not attempt to rewrite
>     nsswitch.conf, which is the same as upgrading to the fixed version
>     in trixie)
> [*] Validate that the name resolution behavior is correct with the new
>     nss module ordering; that is attempts to resolve the local hostname,
>     localhost.localdomain, _gateway, and _outbound are handled by
>     nss-myhostname and don't result in a DNS lookup
> [*] Validate that libnss-mymachines resolves local container names
>     without a DNS query
> [*] Validate that resolution of external names is unimpacted
> [ ] validate that a cloud image build based on the updated packages
>     lists the nss modules in the desired order, with myhostname ahead
>     of dns
> To improve readability, I've documented the actual test results in HTML
> at https://people.debian.org/~noahm/bug-1072380-testing.html  It
> includes tests on bare-metal bookworm hosts as well as systemd-nspawn
> bookworm containers.
> I haven't yet started validated that the right thing happens when
> building a VM image from scratch, which is necessary to confirm the fix
> in the environment where the issue was reported, but I think it's
> reasonable to initiate the conversation with the SRMs with that test
> still pending.
> Agree?

Yes that looks all good to me, thanks

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