Bug#1073835: systemd: new run0 utility fails due to missing dependency

Luca Boccassi bluca at debian.org
Sun Jun 23 09:30:40 BST 2024

Control: tags -1 wontfix
Control: close -1

On Wed, 19 Jun 2024 16:41:44 +0200 John Shaft <john+debian at shaftinc.fr>
> Package: systemd
> Version: 256-1
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> systemd 256 introduced a 'run0' utility intended to serve a similar
purpose as sudo(8)
> run0(1) manpage states:
> 'Authentication takes place via polkit[1], thus isolating the
authentication prompt from the terminal (if possible).'
> As of now, polkitd is only a suggestion and not yet a dependency for
systemd so chances are it is not installed. Trying to use run0 thus
fails, eg:

Yes this is expected and intended, as we want to prioritize allowing to
build minimal images, so a lot of "extra" functionality is enabled but
won't work until recommends and suggests are installed. If you want to
make sure all features are usable, you can use apt install --install-
suggests and that will bring in everything.

> $ run0 ls /tmp
> Failed to start transient service unit: Access denied
> (note that run0 error message could be improved, but it is an
upstream issue)

Please file an issue upstream, or better yet, a PR.

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi

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