[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] Bug#331397: Failure displayed only if just one fs exists

Niccolo Rigacci niccolo at rigacci.org
Mon Nov 28 23:07:18 UTC 2005

I think you can join bug #332309 (mounting local filesystems 
failed on two machines running etch) to this one.

The red "failed" message from mountall.sh appears only if

- proc is declared in /etc/fstab.
- no others filesystem besides root are to be mounted.

This is because the overall exit code of mount is 32 (/proc mount 
failure, because already mounted by mountvirtfs), not 32 + 64 
(some mount succeeded).

I don't think that stating /proc in fstab should be deprecated.

I think the right thing is to add "noproc" to the mount options 
in mountall.sh, this solve my problem cleanly.

I think that when Petter said "adding noproc is not really an 
option" overlooked where to put it. I mind to put it in 
mountall.sh, not into mountvirtfs.

A bind mount in /etc/fstab is not affected by the "noproc" 
option, as far I know.


Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy

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