[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] Some more proposed initscript rejigging

Thomas Hood jdthood at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jan 11 11:17:13 UTC 2006

> Also, they have introduced a new initscript called "mtab", split out of mountvirtfs,
> which just updates the mtab file.
> I am not intending to backport these changes.

Hmm, I am having second thoughts.  I am thinking of doing the following:

* Rename mountvirtfs -> mountvirt.sh
* Rename mountdevsubfs -> mountdevsub.sh
because these scripts don't really need to run as separate processes.
These scripts use the "domount" function in /lib/init/mount-functions.sh.
* Change the "domount" function so that mtab is never updated; hence
mountvirt.sh and mountdevsub.sh won't update mtab
* Run mountvirt.sh and mountdevsub.sh only at S02 and S04 respectively, not
also at S36 and S37.
* Create mountnfs-mtab.sh script to update mtab file after mountnfs.sh runs.

(I am assuming here that the only reason why mountvirtfs is run a second time at
S36 is to do the mtab initialization and updating.  This task will be transferred
to mountnfs-mtab.sh.)


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