[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] Bug#345719: marked as done (Please remove pointless runlevel restriction on telinit u)

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at bugs.debian.org
Sun Jan 22 22:34:41 UTC 2006

Your message dated Sun, 22 Jan 2006 14:19:01 -0800
with message-id <E1F0nY5-0005V7-Sa at spohr.debian.org>
and subject line Bug#345719: fixed in sysvinit 2.86.ds1-11
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

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Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

Received: (at submit) by bugs.debian.org; 3 Jan 2006 01:47:02 +0000
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Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2006 20:47:01 -0500
From: Dana How <danahow at gmail.com>
To: submit at bugs.debian.org, danahow at gmail.com
Subject: Please remove pointless runlevel restriction on telinit u
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Package: sysvinit
Version: 2.86.ds1-6

Around Feb 1998, the "telinit u" feature was added to the sysvinit package.
This allowed a running /sbin/init to be updated (re-executed after

There are other situations where it would be useful to re-exec /sbin/init .
Midway through a boot from CDROM or other ro media,
or during a shutdown when the entire system is running from removable media=
such as CDROM, USB key, or CF, and we need to continue running reliably
for a short period after the media is removed.

Anyway, "telinit u" could be used in each of these cases,
except it has a check which causes it to do nothing when in runlevels 0 and=
I looked around in the source code and the original change logs,
and could find no reason for this restriction,
other than it was consistent with the original purpose of including "telini=
t u".

I have attached a trivial patch which permits re-exec in runlevels 0 and 6.
This has been tested, on both harddrive and CDROM-based instances.

Dana L. How  danahow at gmail.com  +1 650 804 5991 cell

Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=sysvinit-2.86-reexec.patch
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="sysvinit-2.86-reexec.patch"

diff -r -u sysvinit-2.86.base/src/init.c sysvinit-2.86.reexec/src/init.c
--- sysvinit-2.86.base/src/init.c	2004-07-30 08:16:20.000000000 -0400
+++ sysvinit-2.86.reexec/src/init.c	2006-01-02 17:29:13.000000000 -0500
@@ -1835,7 +1835,7 @@
 	char		**env;
 	int		fd;
-	if (strchr("S12345",runlevel) == NULL)
+	if (strchr("S0123456",runlevel) == NULL)


Received: (at 345719-close) by bugs.debian.org; 22 Jan 2006 22:26:05 +0000
>From katie at ftp-master.debian.org Sun Jan 22 14:26:05 2006
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	id 1F0nY5-0005V7-Sa; Sun, 22 Jan 2006 14:19:01 -0800
From: Petter Reinholdtsen <pere at debian.org>
To: 345719-close at bugs.debian.org
X-Katie: $Revision: 1.65 $
Subject: Bug#345719: fixed in sysvinit 2.86.ds1-11
Message-Id: <E1F0nY5-0005V7-Sa at spohr.debian.org>
Sender: Archive Administrator <katie at ftp-master.debian.org>
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2006 14:19:01 -0800
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X-CrossAssassin-Score: 23

Source: sysvinit
Source-Version: 2.86.ds1-11

We believe that the bug you reported is fixed in the latest version of
sysvinit, which is due to be installed in the Debian FTP archive:

  to pool/main/s/sysvinit/initscripts_2.86.ds1-11_i386.deb
  to pool/main/s/sysvinit/sysv-rc_2.86.ds1-11_all.deb
  to pool/main/s/sysvinit/sysvinit_2.86.ds1-11.diff.gz
  to pool/main/s/sysvinit/sysvinit_2.86.ds1-11.dsc
  to pool/main/s/sysvinit/sysvinit_2.86.ds1-11_i386.deb

A summary of the changes between this version and the previous one is

Thank you for reporting the bug, which will now be closed.  If you
have further comments please address them to 345719 at bugs.debian.org,
and the maintainer will reopen the bug report if appropriate.

Debian distribution maintenance software
Petter Reinholdtsen <pere at debian.org> (supplier of updated sysvinit package)

(This message was generated automatically at their request; if you
believe that there is a problem with it please contact the archive
administrators by mailing ftpmaster at debian.org)

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2006 22:17:38 +0100
Source: sysvinit
Binary: sysv-rc sysvinit initscripts
Architecture: source i386 all
Version: 2.86.ds1-11
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: sysvinit maintainers <pkg-sysvinit-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: Petter Reinholdtsen <pere at debian.org>
 initscripts - Scripts for initializing and shutting down the system
 sysv-rc    - System-V-like runlevel change mechanism
 sysvinit   - System-V-like init utilities
Closes: 55143 89481 95390 116366 160329 186880 189356 213028 220025 227540 237074 238861 242957 258290 272066 275680 286082 286479 316423 323749 327865 328582 328764 330155 331397 332309 333836 336172 338736 338801 339023 339979 340017 341075 341097 342160 342744 343596 343862 343863 343993 344001 344089 344547 344547 345267 345269 345272 345273 345321 345370 345719 345968 346139 346415
 sysvinit (2.86.ds1-11) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Thomas Hood ]
   * rcS(5): Improve
   * sulogin(8): Improve; mention -t option  (Closes: #186880)
   * bootlogd(8): Improve; mention need for PTY support
   * initscripts postinst: Update to reflect script name changes
   * initscripts: Harmonize PATH settings
   * checkroot.sh: Don't check for need to start /sbin/update.
     We don't support pre-2.4 kernels any more.
   * checkroot.sh, mountall.sh: Run swapon with -v if VERBOSE!=no
   * Remove obsolete lintian overrides
   * Previous release also
     closes: #258290 "bootlogd: Bad file descriptor"
     closes: #327865 "bootlogd stopped working"
     closes: #328764 "bootlogd fails to start"
   [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
   * Time to upload all these changes into unstable  (Closes: #341075)
   * Revert default VERBOSE value to "yes" to reduce the amount of
     user visible changes in this upload.
 sysvinit (2.86.ds1-10) experimental; urgency=low
   [ Thomas Hood ]
   * bootclean: Adapt from old bootclean.sh; handle return status more
     carefully; print diagnostic messages on failures; eliminate use of
     subshells; add comments; improve deletion code
   * bootclean: Always rm /tmp/.X*-lock
   * mountall.sh: Eliminate unnecessary check for pre-2.4 Linux kernel
   * mountnfs.sh, mountall.sh: Choose different names for intnl. functions
   * mountnfs.sh: Only sleep 1 second after starting portmap; note that
     the code to start portmap will disappear someday
   * various scripts: Make more messages depend on VERBOSE being != "no"
   * various scripts: Handle return status more carefully
   * various scripts: Eliminate unnecessary uses of subshell
   * mountvirtfs -> mountkernfs.sh; mountdevsubfs -> mountdevsubfs.sh;
     mountvirtfs now calls the above two (for backward compatibility);
     mtab.sh now runs mountkernfs.sh and mountdevsubfs.sh to update
     the mtab file after mountall.sh.
   * /etc/init.d/rc: Restore PATH after sourcing an initscript
   * debian/rules:
     + Use ':', not the deprecated '.' between owner and group names
       in chown commands
     + Use '-o root' with install
   * /etc/init.d/README: Note that /etc/init.d/*.sh must have '#!/bin/sh'
     and must follow policy 10.4.
   * Override lintian and linda warnings
   [ Ubuntu backports by T.H. ]
   * During shutdown and reboot take the progress bar from 100 to 0
   * Reduce diff with 2.86.ds1-6ubuntu1
   Thanks to Mark Hatle and Marco d'Itri for help with this release.
 sysvinit (2.86.ds1-9) experimental; urgency=low
   [ Thomas Hood ]
   * Split mountdevsubfs out of mountvirtfs and run it at S04 and S37.
     [Note added in 2.86.ds1-10: these scripts were renamed]
     This should not behave any differently, but the split will allow
     packages that futz with /dev to do this at S03.
   * umountfs: Only run umount if there is something to unmount
     (Closes: #345272)
   * urandom: Set PATH so that find can be found  (Closes: #345273)
   * init: 64_init_set_PATH.dpatch: Set PATH if it's unset on re-exec
     (Closes: #345370)
   * init: 65_init_u_in_06.dpatch: Allow 'telinit u' in runlevels 0, 6
     (Closes: #345719)  People running Debian from unusual media (such
     as filesystems embedded in NTFS files) are wanting to unmount
     /sbin at the last moment and need to re-exec init to do so.
   * umountroot: Remount ro with -f on GNU/kFreeBSD  (Closes: #344547)
   * checkroot.sh, checkfs.sh: Pause for five seconds if sulogin fails
     so that the user can see the error message  (Addresses #337444)
   * Include /var/log/fsck/ in initscripts package  (Closes: #346139)
   * Replace /lib/init/functions.sh with /lib/init/mount-functions.sh
     for use by mountvirtfs and mountdevsubfs
   * various initscripts: Clean up code that reads fstab
   * various scripts: Redirect which program's stderr to /dev/null
     since the GNU version prints an error message when the command is
     not found  (Closes: #345321)
   * /etc/default/rcS: Make VERBOSE and DELAYLOGIN default to "no"
   * /etc/default/rcS: Remove descriptions of variables; leave behind
     a reference to rcS(5).  This eliminates the problem of comments
     becoming outdated without our being able to update them.
   * Remove obsolete docs
   * Make initscripts Depend on mount >= 2.11x-1  (Closes: #345968)
   * Remove obsolete dependencies on bsdutils, coreutils, dpkg, kbd and
     util-linux: the versions in question are older than oldstable, so
     any newly installed system and any system that has upgraded to
     sarge (or even woody) satisfies the constraints.
   * Remove obsolete dependency on the last package: last was forced off
     systems when they upgraded to buzz
   * Add Replaces to Conflicts: mdutils which no longer exists even in
   * initscripts postinst: Remove obsolete GMT-to-UTC code: this
     conversion was performed when systems were upgraded to potato
   * sysvinit: Depend on libc6 rather than Pre-Depending on it; we don't
     do anything special in the preinsts any more
   * Correct documentation of init's -e and -t options
   * Tweak descriptions
   * Add READMEs for remaining runlevel dirs  (Closes: #242957)
   * Previous release also
     closes: #227540 "skeleton: Don't include /usr/local/* in PATH"
     closes: #346415 "mountnfs.sh doesn't work with the "bg" mount option"
   [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
   * sysv-rc: Fix some typos in the startpar handling.  (Closes: #345269)
   * Add code to detect and report bad 'exit' calls in init.d scripts,
     if they kill /etc/init.d/rc.
   * Make sure sourcing work with dash /bin/sh, by using 'set $action'
     to pass arguments to the script. (Closes: #345267)
   Thanks to Mark Hatle for help with this release.
 sysvinit (2.86.ds1-8) experimental; urgency=low
   [ Thomas Hood ]
   * Omit /run until we are sure it's needed  (Closes: #344001)
   * Previous release also
     closes: #338736 "mountvirtfs: Succeeds in various cases it should fail"
     closes: #342160 "checkroot.sh ignores fsck result"
     closes: #342744 "checkroot.sh sources mountvirtfs, yet supplies arguments"
   * Use /proc/mounts instead of /etc/mtab when unmounting  (Closes: #338801)
   * Check for files under mountpoints more thoroughly
   * initscripts.postinst:
     + Don't fail to install on file-rc systems  (Closes: #343993)
     + Don't fail to install in chroots  (Closes: #344089)
   * No longer keep the dynamic nologin flag file on the root filesystem;
     instead, keep it at /var/lib/initscripts/nologin.  Note to admins:
     initscripts's postinst symlinks /etc/nologin to the latter location.
     To switch login delaying on or off permanently, set DELAYLOGIN=no in
     /etc/default/rcS and either create or delete (respectively)
   * mountvirtfs: Mount /dev/shm earlier; move long comment to README.Debian
   * Add 45_pidof_symlink.dpatch: Make pidof an absolute symlink
     (Closes: #343862)
   * debian/rules, 30_strip.dpatch: Strip .comment section from executables
     (Closes: #343863)
   * In umountfs, run umount with -f  (Closes: #344547)
   [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
   * Enable the startpar option as it should work now that .sh scripts
     are serialized.  The clock should no longer jump while startpar
     is used.
 sysvinit (2.86.ds1-7) experimental; urgency=low
   [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
   * Add commented-out code to /etc/init.d/rc for sourcing
     *.sh scripts for runlevel 'S'.  This is preparation for fixing
     #339955.  Actually fixing it has to wait until other packages
     remove "exit" from their .sh scripts.
   * Implement progress bar support for splash screen.  Enabled when
     usplash_write is in PATH.  Patch from Scott James Remnant and Ubuntu.
   [ Thomas Hood ]
   * *.sh: Make sure that these do their thing when they aren't given any
     command line arguments (as is the case when they are sourced)
   * initscripts: Improve use of log_* functions
     (Closes: #55143, #116366, #323749)
   * bootclean.sh: Do not delete symlinks-to-directories from /var/run/
     (Closes: #272066)
   * checkroot.sh: Fix double printing of 'Done checking root file system';
     mountall.sh: Fix chopped-up printing of mount information
     (Closes: #339979, #331397, #341097 and presumably closes: #332309)
   * checkroot.sh, checkfs.sh: Save fsck logs  (Closes: #189356)
     Thanks to Theodore Y. Ts'o.
   * checkroot.sh, mountvirtfs: Eliminate use of dir_writable in order to
     try to please selinux  (Closes: #333836)
   * checkroot.sh: Only run findfs for mount on /  (Closes: #275680)
     Thanks to Cameron Hutchison for the patch.
   * mountall.sh, mountnfs.sh: Split call to bootclean out into separate
     script called at the next sequence number  (Closes: #286479)
   * bootmisc.sh: Shorten motd header  (Closes: #340017)
   * bootmisc.sh: Store dynamic motd in /var/run/ and make /etc/motd a
     symbolic link.  The EDITMOTD variable no longer has any effect; to
     disable updating of the motd just point the /etc/motd symlink to a
     static file such as /etc/motd.static.
   * bootmisc.sh: Rotate dmesg log with savelog (Closes: #237074)
     and chgrp adm.
   * umountroot: Change mount command in order to exclude bind mounts of
     the root directory  (Closes: #339023)
   * Replace /etc/rc1.d/20single by /etc/rc1.d/S30killprocs and
     /etc/rc1.d/S99single so that packages can insert scripts to do
     things between the "killall5" in the former and the "exec init -t1 S"
     in the latter.  This may help to address #145280.
   * umountfs: Unmount tmpfs before swapoff and other fs's afterwards
     (Closes: #328582, hopefully without reopening #84782)
   * Make stop-bootlogd a distinct script rather than a symlink to bootlogd.
     Give it its own LSB header.
   * Add stop-bootlogd-single initscript to stop bootlogd in "single" mode
     (Closes: #213028, #220025)
   * checkfs.sh: Implement FSCKTYPES  (Closes: #89481)  Set, e.g.,
     FSCKTYPES="ext2,msdos" to fsck only file system types ext2 and msdos
     See fsck(8) for syntax.  FSCKTYPES="none" disables fsck of file
     systems (other than the root filesystem) altogether.
   * all initscripts: Set variables using common script
   * all initscripts: Fix usage messages
   * all initscripts: Allow VERBOSE to be set via the INIT_VERBOSE=yes
     kernel argument (Closes: #286082)  Experimental.  The name of the
     kernel argument may change in the future if we decide to implement
     this more generally.
   * Improve skeleton initscript
   * all scripts: Clean up; standardize indentation
   * all scripts: Use the "which" program to test for executability
   * initscripts: Experimentally include /run; include /sys in Linux
   * mountvirtfs: Mount a tmpfs on /run
   * mountvirtfs: Warn if mount point has stuff under it (Closes: #95390)
   * initscripts postinst: Mount virtual filesystems
   * initscripts preinst: Remove ancient /etc/init.d/boot conversion code
     (Closes: #343596)
   * default config files: Clean up comments
   * Make initscripts Depend on debianutils >= 2.13.1 in order to prevent
     #295850.  Note that debianutils also has to be >= 2.12.0 so that the
     "which" program is available in /bin.
   * Remove currently unneeded sysvinit Dependency on coreutils
     (Closes: #316423)
   * pidof: If the program is specified with a path, don't match processes
     of programs run from different paths  (Closes: #160329)
   * init: 40_selinux.dpatch: Remove superfluous printf argument
   * init: Add 63_init_longer_procname.dpatch  (Closes: #336172)
   * init.8: Mention that entering runlevel 1 kills all processes
     (Closes: #238861)
   * update-rc.d.8: Mention that update-rc.d will not create multiple start
     or multiple stop symlinks for a service in a single runlevel directory.
     (Closes: #330155)
   * Update FSF address
 cca49f73a985dcc6fbf0410c3243cd14 848 admin required sysvinit_2.86.ds1-11.dsc
 7f26e6d72c29a20b3d0381a97141c21f 112802 admin required sysvinit_2.86.ds1-11.diff.gz
 801a25967fb00c616db597a464064b53 119464 admin required sysvinit_2.86.ds1-11_i386.deb
 01c5f33796185256906158ad4c967bb0 46656 admin required initscripts_2.86.ds1-11_i386.deb
 fe08677435abe9791026ad3ba4a095c6 46108 admin required sysv-rc_2.86.ds1-11_all.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)


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