[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] networking and umountnfs.sh started on halt/reboot?!?

Jan Wagner waja at cyconet.org
Sat Jan 28 21:28:17 UTC 2006


/etc/inittab states:
# Runlevel 0 is halt.
# Runlevel 6 is reboot.

Since starting with "S" stands for "/etc/init.d/* start" the following is 
wondering me:

penguin:~# ls /etc/rc0.d/*networking*
penguin:~# ls /etc/rc6.d/*networking*

same for:

penguin:~# ls /etc/rc0.d/*umountnfs*
penguin:~# ls /etc/rc6.d/*umountnfs*

But both breaks Wake on LAN, cause the network isnt shut down (which is 
required to make it happen with 3c59x).

Is there any reason to start "/etc/init.d/networking" and 
"/etc/init.d/umountnfs.sh" on halt and/or reboot.

The following works for me, but maybe it could fixed smarter

penguin:/etc/rc0.d# mv S31umountnfs.sh K90umountnfs.sh
penguin:/etc/rc0.d# mv K90networking K91networking

Please cc, cause I'm not on the list.

Thanks for your help. With kind regards, Jan.
Version: 3.12
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