[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] Bug#360123: Bug 36123 seems to be not fixed completely

Christian Hertel c.hertel at infoserve.de
Thu Sep 28 14:42:40 UTC 2006



I read the bug report to bug 36123 and found the following comment:



   * Move NFS mounting to an if-up.d script, to make sure we try to

     mount NFS file systems after the network is available.  Based on

     patch from Ubuntu.  Modified to rewrite mountnfs.sh instead of

     renaming it to waitnfs.sh.  (Closes: #360123)



I found out, that the mountnfs script is run each time a network
interface came up, but not after all network interfaces came up.

To investigate, I added a line showing the ifconfig output to
/etc/network/if-up.d/mountnfs and found out, that mountnfs is called
first after lo and eth0 came up, but I needed the alias interface eth0:0
to reach the nfs server.

The result is mountnfs will try indefinitely to mount the nfs share,
because the needed alias interface is not yet up, so the network could
not be reached.


Solution: In my opinion, mountnfs should only be called once after *all*
network interfaces, for which auto is set in /etc/network/interfaces,
came up, not after each new interface which came up.


In my case, I worked after I moved to /etc/network/if-up.d/mountnfs to
to /etc/network/mountnfs and added "post-up /etc/network/mountnfs" to
eth0:0 in /etc/network/interface.



FYI: The problem still exists in initscripts version 2.86.ds1-20





Christian Hertel


infoServe GmbH
Nell-Breuning-Allee 6
D-66115 Saarbruecken


T: (0681) 8 80 08 - 59
F: (0681) 8 80 08 - 33
mailto: c.hertel at infos.de


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