[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] Bug#436703: /sbin/shutdown fails to properly spindown drive

Roland Stigge stigge at antcom.de
Mon Aug 27 08:07:55 UTC 2007


Eric Valette wrote:
> Unfortunately this does not
> fix my problem allthough  have a system that support the feature (see below)

I figured it out with Eric, and the patch actually fixes the problem. 
What remains for him is a wrong sdb detection on his machine by the 
kernel (which is another bug), which leads to an unnecessary warning of 
the kernel for sdb only.

By the way: I prepared my patch while this bug was serious (RC), with 
the other bugs (#426224, #430497) hidden in the list of the other >200 
non-RC bugs. It was duplicated work since we already have several other 
solutions (Novell patch, Henrique's svn branch).

Please state how we will proceed here since testers/users are concerned 
about the safety of their hardware. An upload would be nice, but I 
assumed Henrique already has a plan for this.



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