[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] Bug#425199: Mounting local filesystems... Failed!

David Lawyer dave at lafn.org
Sun May 20 02:31:17 UTC 2007

Package: initscripts
Version: 1.13.25

I get this message when I boot.  It comes from
/etc/init.d/mountall.sh. when it tries to mount per /etc/fstab.  By
commenting out lines in /etc/fstab I found that it's the line which
mounts the proc filesystem on /proc that is causing the problem.

In ubantu I found that the mountall script had: mount ... -t noproc ..
In other words, it doesn't try to mount proc and thus no error message.
When I add noproc to Debian's mountall.sh (after -t of course), the
"Failed!" message disappears.

I checked on the internet and found old instructions (not labelled
"old") that fstab should have a line to mount proc.  I'm using a
Debian from several years ago but upgrade it about once a year using
apt-get.  So it should be current.  But upgrading doesn't seem to modify
fstab (assuming that it shouldn't have a line to mount proc).

So a fix is needed: either use noproc or have upgrades modify

			David Lawyer

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