[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] Bug#452645: Bug#452645: README.policy-rc.d is unclear and should provide example

Stefan Fritsch sf at sfritsch.de
Mon Jan 7 21:17:16 UTC 2008

On Monday 26 November 2007, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
> If someone would like to provide patches to make that documentation
> more clear, feel free to do so.  Just remember that invoke-rc.d is
> initscript subsystem *specific*, and that policy-rc.d is initscript
> subsystem *agnostic*, so you may have to look at the invoke-rc.d
> scripts for every initscript subsystem in Debian, first.

I think a simple note that the exit status overrides invoke-rc.d's 
internal rules would already be helpful. See the attached patch.

I agree that the debian-policy package would be more apropriate for 
README.policy-rc.d than sysv-rc.

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Name: README.policy-rc.d.patch
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Url : http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-sysvinit-devel/attachments/20080107/d17d187a/attachment.patch 

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