[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] Bug#444980: udev not restarted after exiting runlevel 1

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Sat Jun 5 07:05:38 UTC 2010

[Henrique de Moraes Holschuh]
> Trying to track that is a losing proposition. You'd also need to add
> dhclient and other dhcp clients, wpa supplicant helpers, pppoe
> helpers...

My idea is to implement some omitpid feature like the one we use for
shutdown in the killprocs script, to allow udev to survive runlevel 1.
With it in place, the other daemons that want to keep running can
register their pid there.

> Our S runlevel does way too much, which obviously screws up runlevel
> 1 a great deal.

Yeah.  There is a lot of work left before single user and runlevel 1
on Debian is working properly, and allow one to enter runlevel 1 and
return to runlevel 2.  At the moment a reboot is needed after
switching to runlevel 1 to be sure to recover the machine state.

But udev should probably keep running also in runlevel 1, so such
mechanism is probably smart to implement anyway.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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