[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] Bug#641107: Bug#641107: sysvinit: missing support for s390x

Kel Modderman kel at otaku42.de
Sun Sep 11 21:32:24 UTC 2011

On Sun, 11 Sep 2011 08:30:36 PM Kel Modderman wrote:
> On Sun, 11 Sep 2011 07:07:26 PM Roger Leigh wrote:
> > Not specifically related to this patch, but I was just wondering if
> > there were plans to switch over to the new git repo from svn?  It's
> > completely up-to-date except for this commit.
> I am happy to just go with the flow - if Petter and Henrique are fine with
> switching to git v.c. for sysvinit, then so am I.

Petter mentioned on irc: he is happy for people who are actively working on
the package to call the shots, he can use both svn and git, but also doesn't
mind if things stay the same as he would save time switching.
(I hope that is fair enough translation :))

Roger, if you intend to be making a few changes to sysvinit in the future
then I say without a doubt use the tools you're most comfortable with. I do
not believe that any of the currently listed maintainers intend to do anything
more than the seldom casual commit in the near future.

Thanks, Kel.

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