[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] Bug#683103: reportbug: Allow one to automatically subscribe to a bug when reporting it

Vincent Danjean vdanjean.ml at free.fr
Sun Aug 19 07:34:22 UTC 2012

Le 19/08/2012 09:10, Vincent Danjean a écrit :
> Package: reportbug
> Version: 6.4.2
> Severity: wishlist
>   Hi,
>   I'm opening this bug to :
> - verify that one can already subscribe to a bug when reporting one by manually
>   adding a "Control: ..." line in pseudo headers
> - asking to include this functionnality automaticcaly.
>   Before doing code for the second part (I would be ok to try myself), I think
> we need to discuss what we want exactly.
>   From my point of view, any "Control:" line can already be manually added per
> bug report by editing the pseudo-headers. So, I'm not sure we need something
> special (option, ...) per reportbug invocation.

Update: the Control line has been moved from the pseudo-headers to the
real headers of the mail. It seems to work (ie it is processed by the bts)
but it is more difficult to see it in the confirmation message and
in the bug report (I had to look into the 'mbox' link in the bts).
  It is probably reportbug that moves to the headers all lines it does not
know. "Control: ..." lines should be whilelisted.

Another 'problem' (that probably concern more the bts implementation than
reportbug) is that I ask to subscribe with the vdanjean.ml at free.fr address
and I got a confirmation message with:
- a warning
- a subscribing confirmation email set to the From submit address of the
  bug report.

	Please try to use 'debian-bugs-dist-request at lists.debian.org'
	the next time when issuing subscribe requests.

It has been requested that the following address:

       vdanjean at debian.org

should be added to the debian-bugs-dist mailing list.


Vincent Danjean       GPG key ID 0x9D025E87         vdanjean at debian.org
GPG key fingerprint: FC95 08A6 854D DB48 4B9A  8A94 0BF7 7867 9D02 5E87
Unofficial pkgs: http://moais.imag.fr/membres/vincent.danjean/deb.html
APT repo:  deb http://people.debian.org/~vdanjean/debian unstable main

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