[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] Bug#596284: getting fixes for #596284 into wheezy before the release?

Daniel Kahn Gillmor dkg at fifthhorseman.net
Mon Jul 30 22:08:53 UTC 2012

Hi Roger--

I just had the following conversation on #debian-release:

18:02 < dkg> hi,  #596284 (from sysvinit 2.88dsf-22.1) means that debootstrap 
             --variant=fakechroot always fails in wheezy.  is there a plan to 
             try to allow sysvinit 2.88dsf-29 (which fixes the issue) to 
             migrate before the release?  or should i try to prepare a 
             testing-proposed-updates with the cherry-picked change?
18:03 < jcristau> you want to talk to rleigh
18:03 < dkg> jcristau: you mean i should ask him if he plans to ask for an 
             unblock request?
18:04 < jcristau> yes
18:04 < jcristau> also:
18:04 < jcristau>     Updating sysv-rc fixes old bugs: #670085
18:04 < jcristau>     Updating initscripts fixes old bugs: #668307, #671124, 
18:04 < jcristau> so #596284 is probably the least of the problems with the 
                  wheezy version
18:05 < nthykier> It has accumlated quite a diff by now too >.>
18:07 < dkg> it has indeed
18:07 < dkg> does this mean that an unblock request is likely to be rejected?
18:07 < jcristau> no, it means an unblock request will only grudgingly be 

Roger, do you have any plans on how to deal with the outstanding bugs in
the wheezy version of sysvinit?

Thanks for maintaining sysvinit in debian!



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