[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] Bug#826215: Bug#826215: SysV init scripts using init-d-script have a hard dependency on sysvinit-utils

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Fri Jun 3 22:17:40 UTC 2016

Am 03.06.2016 um 23:54 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen:
> [Michael Biebl]

> What about moving the init-d-script file to the same package containing
> /lib/init/vars.sh, which is needed by most init.d scripts and should be
> available on all Debian installations? 

/lib/init/vars.sh is currently shipped by initscripts and we were
actually discussing that moving that to sysvinit-utils because moving it
to sysv-rc doesn't really work (see pitti's bug report in that regard).

This doesn't solve the problem though, that such SysV init scripts have
a hard dependency on a sysvinit provided package, even if they ship a
native service file and we'd have to keep that package installed forever
in the future.
The redirection of /etc/init.d/foo <action> to systemctl <action> foo
would fail otherwise.
We could accept that breakage, but maybe we can do better. Moving the
inclusion of /lib/lsb/init-functions before /lib/init/init-functions-d
was an idea in that regard.
Do you have any concerns regarding that change?


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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