[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] Bug#826214: SysV init scripts using init-d-script are not properly redirected to systemctl

Martin Pitt mpitt at debian.org
Fri Jun 3 23:07:37 UTC 2016

Hello Michael,

Michael Biebl [2016-06-03 13:22 +0200]:
> As you can see, the start request is not redirected to systemctl, so the
> systemd integration is broken.
> I suspect this happens because init-functions is sourced before $1 is
> shifted, so the systemd lsb init hook get's the wrong parameters.


+ set /etc/init.d/apache-htcacheclean start
+ prog=apache-htcacheclean
+ service=apache-htcacheclean.service

Thus $0 is okay (from the "set" in init-t-script)

+ systemctl -p CanReload show apache-htcacheclean.service
+ [ CanReload=no = CanReload=no ]
+ [ /etc/init.d/apache-htcacheclean = reload ]

This corresponds to [ "${1:-}" = "reload" ], thus this check is
broken. Apparenlty the "set" (first traced line) doesn't assign
"$start" to $1, but to $2, and the script name to $1 as well.

This then finally fails when init-functions.d/40-systemd tries to act
on the action $1:

+ [ x/etc/init.d/apache-htcacheclean = xstart -o x/etc/init.d/apache-htcacheclean = xstop -o x/etc/init.d/apache-htcacheclean = xrestart -o x/etc/init.d/apache-htcacheclean = xreload -o x/etc/init.d/apache-htcacheclean = xforce-reload -o x/etc/init.d/apache-htcacheclean = xstatus ]

I tried to add something like

  if [ "$0" = "$1" ]; then shift; fi

above the sourcing of /lib/lsb/init-functions and adjust the
scriptname= assignment; that works when calling it as an init script
then, but the systemd redirection is then broken. Also, this wouldn't
do anything to fix #826215, so changing only init-d-script by itself
wouldn't be a complete solution anyway.



Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)

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