[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] Bug#860152: Case of two inits

Jesse Smith jsmith at resonatingmedia.com
Fri Oct 26 01:27:15 BST 2018

If I'm understanding the situation here when the user dropped into
single-user mode there were two instances of init running? And the
problem being reported is that "init U" does not kill or restart the
extra init process?

If that is correct then I have two thoughts:

1. There shouldn't be two init processes when switching runlevels. I
cannot duplicate this problem. If steps can be provided that result in
multiple init processes running, I'd like to know what they are.

2. The report suggests "init U" should reset all init processes, but
there should only ever be one init process running, so running "init U"
should only have one process to operate on. If there are two inits
running, we should be addressing the cause of that.

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