[pkg-tasktools] New Packaging Team for Tasktools

Gordon Ball gordon at chronitis.net
Sun Jul 3 20:14:55 UTC 2016

On 03/07/16 16:11, Iain R. Learmonth wrote:
> Hi,
> Following our conversations about new tasktools packages, I've created
> an Alioth group.

Thanks for setting this up.

> I've added Gordon and Sebastien (probably the only other two people on
> this list) to the group.
> I've created a #debian-task IRC channel, git commits in our repositories
> will appear here. This may also turn into a place for taskwarrior users
> on Debian to talk about taskwarrior things, not just packaging, I don't
> want to place any limits on it yet unless things become a problem.
> I'll be moving bugwarrior and tasksh under the team's Git later today.
> Please do not just mv the bare git repositories, create a new repository
> using the setup_repository script and push to it as a different remote
> from your local git as I've modified this to add the KGB hook and
> correctly set the filesystem permissions for the team.
> http://pkg-hamradio.alioth.debian.org/hamradio-maintguide/vcs.html#importing-an-existing-git-repository
> - This mostly explains the process, swapping hamradio for tasktools.

I have pushed task, taskd and timew to repositories within the group
(although I haven't yet updated d/control::Maintainer/Vcs-Git/Vcs-Browser).

Several hours later the repositories still aren't visible in cgit
however - is there an issue with permissions, or do new groups just take
a while to show up?

There is one other package which might be of interest: vit (a curses ui
for taskwarrior). Last update to the package was 2014 (although I think
it is actually still the latest upstream release), maintainer is
`alejandro at debian.org` (whom I haven't interacted with, but he
created the initial taskd packaging so might conceivably be either
interested in joining the team or making the package team maintained).

> Unless anyone objects, I'm going to go with:
> Debian Tasktools Packaging Team
> <pkg-tasktools-discuss at lists.alioth.debian.org>
> as our team maintainer line.
> Thanks,
> Iain.
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