[Pkg-tcltk-devel] On which the good old man himself may have seen. Thus
Pallett Kienitz
childbirth at campai.nl
Wed Jan 13 19:32:30 UTC 2010
flowing hogshead; and if the darker days of dear claret came upon her
times, there was still to fall back upon the silver age of smuggled
usquebaugh, when the types of a really hospitable country-house were an
anker of whisky always on the spigot, a caldron ever on the bubble with
boiling water, and a cask of sugar with a spade in it,--all for the
manufacture of toddy. [Footnote 25: In the renowned Dame aux Camelias,
the respectable, rigid, and rather indignant father, addresses his
erring son thus: "Que vous ayez une maitresse, c'est fort bien; que vous
la payiez comme un galant homme doit payer l'amour d'une fille
entretenue, c'est on ne peut mieux; mais que vous oubliez les choses les
plus saintes pour elle, que vous permettiez que la bruit de votre vie
scandaleuse arrive jusqu'au fond de ma province, et jette l'ombre d'une
tache sur le nom honorable que je vous ai donne--voila ce qui ne peut
etre, voila ce qui ne sera pas." So even the French novelists draw the
line "somewhere," and in other departments of morals they may be found
drawing it closer than many good uncharitable Christians among us would
wish. In one very popular novel the victim spends his wife's fortune at
the gaming-table, leaves her to starve, lives with another woman, and,
having committed forgery, plots with the Mephistopheles of the story to
buy his own safety at the price of his wife's honour. This might seem
bad enough, but worse remains. It is told in a smothered whisper, by the
faithful domestic, to the horrified family, that he has reason to
suspect his master of having indulged, once at least, if not oftener, in
brandy-and-water!] The habits of that age have passed away, an
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