[Pkg-telepathy-maintainers] ip question

Hannah Johnson hannah at vpnmentor.org
Fri Feb 15 23:54:00 GMT 2019

 hey quick question -

My name is Hannah, and I work with VPN Mentor. I just wanted to send you a
quick note after finding this page of yours:

Our team actually built a nice, web-based IP checker. It's easy to use,
light (and we're not charging for it). We just think it's important to have
it out there on the web for people to use.

Are you interested in seeing the tool? If so, I could send a link over for
you to have a look.

Let me know what you think.

- Hannah
*Hannah Johnson*
Community Outreach | VPN Mentor

*“As the world is increasingly interconnected, everyone shares the
responsibility of securing cyberspace.”*
*– Newton Lee*

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