[Pkg-tigervnc-devel] Bug#768369: According to upstream they did not know the upper bound for buffer

Bastien ROUCARIES roucaries.bastien at gmail.com
Mon Nov 17 20:21:19 UTC 2014


For me it is a serious bug.

According to http://sourceforge.net/p/libjpeg-turbo/bugs/64/?page=1
(see http://sourceforge.net/p/libjpeg-turbo/bugs/64/?page=1):

>Even though I'm doing the most I can to stack the deck in favor of the bug, it still only occurs once in about every 25 million iterations.
>I have checked in your patch without modifications.
>So far, 130 bytes is the maximum I have been able to produce for a single MCU using the test, after literally a billion iterations. However, I am running it overnight so I can collect as many cases of >degenerate input images as I can, so I can hopefully determine what the upper bound is for the local buffer.

Thus I am tented to add it is a true bug.


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