[Pkg-tigervnc-devel] pkg-tigervnc.git - upstream/1.7.0 (annotated tag) created: upstream/1.7.0

Ola Lundqvist ola.lundqvist at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 22:35:06 UTC 2017


I think we shall upload ass soon as fix thinks and do not break stuff.

We are close to a freeze now so we really want as much changes before that.

After freeze things will be much harder to change.

Regarding certificates. Why should this be part of the packaging? Shouldn't
certificates be installed by the admin?

/ Ola

Sent from a phone

Den 2 jan 2017 23:28 skrev "Joachim Falk" <joachim.falk at gmx.de>:

Hi Ola,

I see you have created a tag and an upload. However,
we still have some minor problems in the package, i.e.,
SecurityTypes Plain, TLSPlain, and X509Plain will not
work due to missing pam service file. Moreover, I am
still working on autogenerating certificates for
SecurityTypes X509None, X509Vnc, X509Plain.

Am 02.01.2017 um 23:16 schrieb Ola Lundqvist:
> The annotated tag, upstream/1.7.0 has been created
>         at  dc8ede7a7ed86ed5330182ee9808aaaa88d27d1e (tag)
>    tagging  a40a8cd834bb8af7a424763b855d00497a2295e7 (commit)
>   replaces  upstream/1.6.0+dfsg
>  tagged by  Ola Lundqvist
>         on  Wed Dec 28 21:09:13 2016 +0000
> - Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Upstream version 1.7.0
> Ola Lundqvist (1):
>       New upstream version 1.7.0
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> hooks/post-receive

Joachim Falk

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