[Pkg-tigervnc-devel] Tigervnc is now officially a vnc4 and a tightvnc replacement

Ola Lundqvist ola at inguza.com
Sat Jan 7 22:46:59 UTC 2017

Hi all TigerVNC maintainers

I just want you to know that I have now uploaded a vnc4 and tightvnc
source package that are just transitional packages to tigervnc.

So now there is no going back. :-)

So let us make sure tigervnc is really good enough to maintain at
least one more release.

Best regards

// Ola

 --- Inguza Technology AB --- MSc in Information Technology ----
/  ola at inguza.com                    Folkebogatan 26            \
|  opal at debian.org                   654 68 KARLSTAD            |
|  http://inguza.com/                Mobile: +46 (0)70-332 1551 |
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