[Pkg-tigervnc-devel] Bug#929410: Bug#929410: RANDR extension not present

Joachim Falk joachim.falk at gmx.de
Sun Jul 21 14:22:34 BST 2019

Hi Ola and Mike,

Am 21.07.19 um 14:01 schrieb Mike Gabriel:
> Hi Ola,
> OnĀ  So 21 Jul 2019 11:17:31 CEST, Ola Lundqvist wrote:
>> Hi Joachim
>> Thank you. Thinking of this some more we actually did not have this package
>> at all in old stable. Did we have RANDR support in the other vnc packages?
>> // Ola
> AFAIR, VNC in Debian hadn't had RandR (i.e. resizing of the VNC session window resizes the Xvnc server geometry), so far.
no, we already have that in Xtigervnc (i.e., tigervnc-standalone-server). However, x0tigervncserver
(i.e., tigervnc-scraping-server) needs libxrandr-dev at compile time to enable RANDR support. It uses
RANDR to resize the real Xorg server for which it provides the VNC server.

> The Cendio people have that feature enabled for years, also X2Go's x2goagent (and the new x2gokdrive Xserver) have that feature. A really must have thing, in fact.
> Greets,
> Mike

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