[Pkg-tigervnc-devel] Bug#984826: tigervnc-standalone-server: Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused

Matthias Klein matthias at extraklein.de
Mon Mar 8 22:30:11 GMT 2021

Am Mon, 8 Mar 2021 22:44:37 +0100
schrieb Joachim Falk <joachim.falk at gmx.de>:

> Hi Matthias,
> I tried to replicate the problem, but could start the mate desktop
> just fine. I will attache my configuration. I used

Hi Joachim,

Thanks a lot for your help!

> Can you try to start something simpler to determine where exactly the
> problem is? Use something like: tigervncserver --localhost no
> --xstartup /usr/bin/xterm This should get you a VNC session running a
> simple xterm.

The call tigervncserver --localhost no --xstartup /usr/bin/xterm
started an xterm and the MATE desktop in the background.

After that I tried some variants in the ~/xstartup file. I got the
original content from the internet, and didn't really understand it.

The following variant works:

That means instead of "exec /usr/bin/mate-session &" I now use
"/usr/bin/mate-session" in the last line.

Do you have any idea why the original call doesn't work anymore, and
what is the difference between the calls?

Many greetings,

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