[Pkg-tigervnc-devel] Bug#1073756: Bug#1073756: Ping of bugs: move aliased files from / to /usr (DEP17)

Joachim Falk joachim.falk at gmx.de
Sat Jul 13 20:40:09 BST 2024

Dear Debian developers,

On 13.07.24 01:36, Daniel Markstedt wrote:
> On Friday, July 12th, 2024 at 11:44 PM, Chris Hofstaedtler <zeha at debian.org> wrote:
>> Dear Maintainers,
>> This is a friendly ping about a usrmerge bug in one your packages.
>> Please consider fixing it soon.
>> Thanks,
>> Chris
> Hi Chris,
> Apologies for the hold-up. Over the last several weeks, I have worked on a release in Salsa that addresses this bug, and others.
> Currently putting the final touches, after which I expect my co-maintainer to sign off on and upload the new source release in the coming days.
> Best regards,
> Daniel

I just uploaded a fix for this.


Joachim Falk <Joachim.Falk at gmx.de>

You can always tell a really good idea by the enemies it makes.
   --programmers' axiom

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