[Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#449501: Confirming that nm-applet asks for keyring password when not needed

brian m. carlson sandals at crustytoothpaste.ath.cx
Fri Nov 23 06:05:33 UTC 2007

I can confirm that nm-applet asks for the keyring password when it isn't 
needed.  Furthermore, the most annoying thing is that it asks repeatedly 
until it is denied.  Entering the password once, then denying makes it 
work, as does simply denying the request.

As a sample case, when I am using a WPA Personal network, I am prompted 
for the password immediately after logging in, and then once both 
"lights" have turned green, I am prompted again.  This second time is 
the repetitious time.

If you need me to test something out, please ask soon; I can only test 
the setup when I am at my parents' house, and I am there until Sunday 
(for the Thanksgiving holiday).

brian m. carlson / brian with sandals: Houston, Texas, US
+1 713 440 7475 | http://crustytoothpaste.ath.cx/~bmc | My opinion only
a typesetting engine: http://crustytoothpaste.ath.cx/~bmc/code/thwack
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