[Pkg-utopia-maintainers] contact me immediately

M. Ferguson mkfergusn at treffpunkt.cc
Sun Aug 3 09:35:34 UTC 2008

I have to disturb you today, for the reward of an opportunity that should
properly be used to advantage.

I need your assistance in transferring £9,800,000 initially belonging to
my deceased client (name withheld), who died in 2004 and had no next of
kin in his account-opening package. in other to achieve this, I shall
require your name, a telephone number to reach you and most importantly a
confirmation of acceptance from you. I implore you to consider my
proposition so as to enable you evaluate the possibility for cooperation
between us.

My contact number is +44 7045779459. email: mkfergusn at treffpunkt.cc
Please treat as urgent and confidential and get back to me for more details.

M. Ferguson

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University of San Carlos, P del Rosario Street, Cebu City, Philippines, www.usc.edu.ph

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