[Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#428756: hdc: status timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }

Alexey Feldgendler alexey at feldgendler.ru
Sat Mar 29 23:49:08 UTC 2008

This happens to two of my three computers: one desktop DELL and one  
Samsung R40 laptop. All of them are running the current Lenny. Sometimes  
it doesn't happen in a week, sometimes happens twice a day. There doesn't  
seem to be something obvious triggering the bug, and I hardly ever use the  
DVD drive on either machine. When it happens, hald-addon-storage starts  
taking 100% CPU, and the load average skyrockets. Acting quick and killing  
hald-addon-storage while I can still type in xterm is the only thing that  
saves me from rebooting.

Here is what the repeating strace pattern looks like:

poll([{fd=3, events=POLLIN}], 1, 0)     = 0
ioctl(5, CDROM_DRIVE_STATUS, 0x7fffffff) = 4
ioctl(5, CDROM_MEDIA_CHANGED, 0x7fffffff) = 0
ioctl(5, SG_IO, 0xbfc1e0c8)             = 0
close(5)                                = 0
gettimeofday({1206833042, 91862}, NULL) = 0

The klog pattern looks like in the original report. However, I'm not  
seeing any driver crashes there.

Alexey Feldgendler <alexey at feldgendler.ru>
[ICQ: 115226275] http://feldgendler.livejournal.com

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