[Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#578587: Bug#578587: network-manager-gnome: nm-applet does not remember passwords

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Wed Apr 21 01:08:11 UTC 2010

tags 578587 moreinfo

Am 21.04.2010 02:57, schrieb ben:
> Package: network-manager-gnome
> Version: 0.8-1
> Severity: normal
> nm-applet runs in my system tray.
> I have a wpa network.
> nm-applet used to manage the connection perfectly.  Since the last
> upgrade or so it prompts for my network password every time it wants
> to connect.
> I've gone through "Edit connections" and added the password there too
> (but should this really be necessary?) to no avail.  The password box
> is blank the next time I look.

nm-applet uses gnome-keyring to store the secrets of user connections.
So you might check if your problem is related to gnome-keyring. Do you
have other apps using gnome-keyring successfully?
Is the wpa-key stored in the gnome-keyring (use seahorse to find out).
Do you have separate keyrings?

Can you reproduce the problem with a fresh user account?


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universe are pointed away from Earth?

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